Dinner for Eight
Atrium 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United StatesDinner for Eight is a way to meet others in a small group setting while sharing a meal together. Sign up today!
Dinner for Eight is a way to meet others in a small group setting while sharing a meal together. Sign up today!
All are invited to a Baked Potato Fellowship! Baked potatoes and fixings, salad and beverages will be provided. Bring a dessert to share.
Dinner for Eight is a way to meet others in a small group setting while sharing a meal together. All are welcome!
September 22–24 at Echo Valley Registration for this event has closed.
Help us bless the children this Christmas! Stop by the table in the Atrium and drop off gifts by December 17!
Dinner for Eight is a way to meet others in a small group setting while sharing a meal together.
January 28, 2024 | 9 a.m. Help us celebrate newlyweds Seth and Denise Petrosky with a money tree on Sunday, January 28th.
Please join us for a baby shower.
Let's bless this couple with well wishes and a money tree!
Dinner for Eight is a way to meet others in a small group setting while sharing a meal together.
Enjoy fellowship with friends and family away from the distractions of city life.
GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays is a 2-hour seminar on navigating the upcoming holiday season while missing a loved one.