Surviving the Holidays

Northside Church of Christ 19818 US-281, San Antonio, TX, United States

The deadline to register for this event has passed.


Holiday Cookie Competition

Fellowship Room 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United States

Join us for a Holiday Cookie Competition hosted by the Women's Ministry! Bring a batch of cookies to share. Prizes will be awarded for best overall, best under 16 and overall impression.

Saturday Evening Worship

Youth Room 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United States

With an appearance by our youth band, Connected. Come early to enjoy some holiday refreshments!

Christmas Caroling

Northside Church of Christ 19818 US-281, San Antonio, TX, United States

Cookies and hot cocoa will be provided. Meet at Northside, then we will divide into groups and depart 5:15 to bless our shut-ins with some Christmas cheer.

Holiday Babysitting

Children's Department 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United States

Childcare available for infants through 5th grade. Bring a sack dinner. Cost: 1 child—$35, 2 children—$50, and 3 or more children—$65.

Mingle & Jingle

Atrium 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United States

Children ages birth through 5th grade are invited to come and see Santa while everyone enjoys hot chocolate, snacks, and fun. 🎅

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