The Children’s Ministry seeks to provide opportunities for children to focus on others instead of self. We believe molding the faith of children is of vital importance to God’s church.
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. (Mark 10:14–15)
Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in this world. (Philippians 2:15)
Our ministry team is committed to teaching God’s Word to the max! We have created a nurturing, safe, and child-friendly environment where your child will feel God’s love. Please allow our dedicated team to assist you in any way we can. Never hesitate to call with any questions you may have. We pray that as our children grow they will learn the truth and take Jesus into their hearts.
We offer activities such as Vacation Bible School, Summer Camps, Child/Parent Activities and Wednesday evening service projects … and more! We would love for you and your children to become part of our family.
Text CHILDREN to (210) 934-2424
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Nursery, Bible Hour and Bible Class
The Children’s department is open for Nursery, Bible Hour and Bible Class. During the worship assembly at 9 a.m., Nursery is available for children birth through two years old, and Bible Hour is available for children three years old through 5th grade. First and fifth Sundays are Family Worship. Only the Nursery will be open during worship, and preschool through elementary children are encouraged to worship with their parents. Bible class is available at 10:30 a.m. for birth through 5th grade.

Our Children’s Ministry uses “Dig-In” which creates a deeper Bible understanding for children. Using interactive story experiences, object lessons, games and other activities, children interact with the Bible in ways that become more memorable and rooted in the child.
Our ministry team is committed to teaching God’s word and showing God’s love! We have created a nurturing, safe, child-friendly environment where all children feel God’s love. For more information on joining our amazing team of volunteers, contact Nicole Largent.
Nursery Supervisors/Check-In: Braeden and Morgan Derrick, Don and Wee Martin, Katie Morris
Bible Hour Supervisors: Kristina Ebrom, Angie Gill, Georgia Lassiter, Kristin Zimmer
Preschool/Elementary Bible Class Supervisors/Check-In: Jim and Charli Bruner, Bob and Dena Frolichstein, Tammy Ward
Kids Connection
God Makes Balaam’s Donkey Talk | Sparklers Worship
August 29 | Nicole Largent
God Gives Caleb Courage | Sparklers Worship
August 22, 2021 | Nicole Largent
God Sees Aaron Making a Golden Calf | Sparklers Worship
August 15, 2021 | Nicole Largent

Nicole Largent
Children’s Minister
Nicole Largent joined the Northside Staff full time in 2017 as Associate Children’s Minister. Her love of children has grown into a passion to teach them God’s love. Her experience teaching Early Childhood and Elementary gives her firsthand knowledge that assists her in following God’s lead. She has an amazing group of parents and members who help encourage, teach and love the children at Northside. Nicole has also worked at Northside Preschool since 2012, serving as Director until 2022. She and her husband, Brandon, have three children, Breann, Wade, and Zakary, and a granddaughter, Eryn.