June 20, 2021 | Bruce Utley
We all desire to be faithful mothers, loving husbands, and selfless servants. Yet too often we find ourselves controlled by self-interest, personal agendas, and human pride. Such is the conundrum for today’s parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Living in family, we are both faithful and flawed. In such a dilemma, where can we go for help and hope? Watch our service from Sunday, June 20, with a message from Bruce Utley about two fathers who received encouragement and strength in their own deeply personal encounters with Jesus.
Join us next Sunday at 9 a.m. in person or online at https://live.nscoc.org. To support the work God is doing through Northside, give today at https://nscoc.org/give. CCLI License # 381546.