Lesson 11 | Daring Faith | Sunday Morning Class
February 25, 2024 | Barry Allison, Jim Tittsworth
Discover the daring faith you are called to live out. In this class, taught by Barry Allison and Jim Tittsworth, we will watch and reflect on the video series, Daring Faith: Meeting Jesus in the Book of John, in which Randy Harris and Greg Taylor lead us through the pages of the Gospel of John to inspire daring faith in Jesus.
The Gospel of John was written so people would believe the unbelievable. This unbelievable story John tells is that God became man and lived among us. These claims got Jesus killed. And ever since, people who believe the claim still lose their lives. If you believe that Jesus is truly God, you believe the most daring idea of all time. Daring faith will cost your life. But along with the risk comes the great reward of becoming children of God. Are you ready for daring faith?
Join us next Sunday at 9 a.m. in person or online at https://live.nscoc.org. To support the work God is doing through Northside, give today at https://nscoc.org/give. CLI License # 381546