Congregational Assistance for Renewal and Encouragement
More than 100 Northside members, many of whom are teens, are serving our congregation in nine ministry areas, including meal ministry, encouragement cards, grief support, transportation, visiting shut-ins, yard maintenance, funeral meals, vehicle maintenance, and Christmas baskets. All of these ministries are looking for new members.
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone – especially to those in the family of faith. (Galatians 6:9–10)
Looking for a place to serve? Consider the C.A.R.E. Ministry (Congregational Assistance for Renewal and Encouragement).
“Serving with the CARE ministries is such a blessing. When our members have a need, we can almost always find someone to take it on.” —Laura Zimmer, C.A.R.E. Ministry leader
“When my son had his first accident, Tom helped us find a way to fix the car very cheaply. Having someone who knows things we don’t and who is ready to help made an enormous impact for us.” —Troy Gibbins
“The young men from the Yard Maintenance communicated with us extremely well. They showed love and concern to ensure the job of fixing our fence and maintaining our yard was done correctly and in a timely manner. We highly recommend this group should you need a helping hand.” —Ron Wolf
“Another blessing has come from the Transportation Ministry. They used their time and generosity to get me to and from blood work when I couldn’t drive. It can be very humbling to feel so dependent on others, but they all made me feel as though I was blessing them. To me, that is Jesus shining through our members!” —Meredith Kelly
Come get involved with us!
C.A.R.E. Ministry Teams
Meal Ministry: Jeannie Hartman
Encouragement Card Ministry: Jolene Tittsworth
Grief Ministry: Regina Bridges
Transportation Ministry: Bev Fulbright
Visitation Ministry: Jana Perdue
Yard Maintenance Ministry: Brian Hickman
Funeral Meal Ministry: Renabeth Evans
Car Maintenance Ministry: Tom Zimmer
Christmas Basket Ministry: DD Leese
Questions? Contact Laura Zimmer at CARE@nscoc.org.