Come hang out with us Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in Room 238.

The Young Adults group at Northside exists to connect those in their 20s to a loving community of faith. After formal schooling, many young adults experience a shift in their relationship with God and a community of believers. Young Adults is a space where we speak about this shift in our lives, are honest about the difficulty of navigating life, and practice valuing one another simply because we are all made in the image of God.

Young Adults ministry is designed to meet the 20-somethings in a holistic way. Faith is developed not just through doing but in conjunction with being. We equip one another through head knowledge, heart awareness, and delightful embodiment (a.k.a. just having fun together!). This life journey is challenging, if you are in your 20s, we’d especially love for you to journey with us!

Evan Tardy

Young Adults Minister

Evan Tardy joined the Northside staff in 2024 as the minister to Young Adults. Before this time, she served the Northside church as a volunteer in multiple capacities since 2011. Evan’s passion for the 20-somethings age group has stemmed from a desire for all to experience the love of God through their own health and human flourishing. In addition to investing in the lives of those in their 20s, Evan continues to pursue seminary training through Abilene Christina University’s Graduate School of Theology. Evan loves to travel with her husband, Josh, and their four kids: Caleb, Savannah, Christian and Clark. Aside from spending time with her family, Evan enjoys reading, running, pursuing relationships and an endless cup of coffee.