Foster Parents Day Out

Calling all foster parents, sign up today! If you’re not a foster parent and know someone who is, please share the signup link with them.

SAFE Ministry Volunteer Opportunity

Adults and high schoolers, please sign up to help care for these foster families’ kiddos while they complete their required annual trainings to remain a licensed foster home.

Caseworkers Graduation

Northside Church of Christ 19818 US-281, San Antonio, TX, United States

Help encourage our city's newest 50 investigative caseworkers as we host their 16-week training graduation! Anybody who can help with finger foods, set up, or clean up is also appreciated. Sign up today!

Parents Day Out

Children's Department 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United States

The SAFE ministry is providing an afternoon of respite childcare for those who have accepted kinship foster/adopt placements. Come for all or part of the time.

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