On Sunday, May 22, David Allen announced that he will be transitioning out of his role as Northside’s preacher at the end of this year. Play the video to watch the announcement, or read a written statement below. We are deeply grateful for the way David has served this church for the past 26 years. We will miss David and Kim tremendously. We wish them well and pray God’s blessings on their next adventure. We look forward to a time of blessing and appreciation later this year.

Update from David, May 22, 2022

I want to share something with you about my and Kim’s future here.

We arrived here in 1996. June 1 will be my 26th year anniversary with this church. That’s over a quarter of a century! When I tell people how long I’ve been here, almost always their eyes get big, their eyebrows shoot up and they say, “Wow! That doesn’t happen very often with preachers.” When they say that, my response has always been the same: my longevity here is a result of the great love and patience of the Northside church family. And you have been very patient with us, and we will always love you for that.

But it has become my conviction that it is time for a transition.

Several months ago, our shepherds and I entered into a conversation about what the future would look like for me. And let me tell you, our shepherds have been great. They have been so very patient with me and have given me the space and the time to think about what’s going to happen next in our lives and to think and pray about what is best for us and this church. I love and appreciate all our shepherds.

And so, after much prayer and thought, I want to announce that I will be leaving Northside in December, at the end of this calendar year.

I promise you that between now and then, I will do the very best job I can in my current role. And I will work with our shepherds and my fellow ministers to make sure the transition goes as smoothly as possible and that Northside continues to grow and thrive. Because I believe there are great days ahead for this church family!

Kim and I love this church so very much. You have been our family for 26 years. We raised our children here and you’ve watched them start families of their own. We thank you all so very much for all the blessings you have given us over the years. And we will never feel anything for you other than deep love and appreciation. —Love, David & Kim Allen